shia muslim

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

shia muslim

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

۴ مطلب با موضوع «imam Hussein» ثبت شده است

Today the world of Blasphemy and Evil has presented a dark, violent and blood shedding image of Islam to the world by manipulating the ignorant and deviant Muslims. True Muslims have the duty of isolating these so-called “Muslims” and to present the true image of Islam. Voluntary blood donation on the day of Ashura provides us with a good opportunity to show a glimpse of the truth of real Islam and true Muslims to the world. So by following the path of the Greatest Martyr (Imam Hussein [PBUH]) we present the glory of Islam to the world by donating our blood.

We intend to start a campaign of “Donating blood on the day of Ashura and arbaeen” (to be practiced every year), with the aim of setting this action as an annual and global practice as well as a common ground for all Muslims on an international level and we seek the cooperation of you- the dear Helpers of Mahdi (AJ) in this path.

click below and download

interview with Dr. Ojaghi

interview with Dr. Memarian

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 13 October 16 ، 17:20
shia muslim

every day in this day, people from different nationality come together and mourn

this happens in Manhattan

the people who participate in this mouning, give flowers to viewers

and they introduce Imam Hussein and Ashura whith the statement

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 10 October 16 ، 20:53
shia muslim

السلام علیک یا ابا عبدالله  :Arbaeen

?what attracts 26 million people to Karbala

?what attracts people from all over the world

?Is there any aggregation like Arbaeen? what is other aggregation`s reason 

?and what is this aggregation`s reason

Arba`een occurs forty days after Ashura.

 It is said forty days after Imam Hussein`s martyrdom day

 .his sister_Zeynab_ and his family captured in Ashura, came back Karbala

.Imam Hussein has done a job that after many centuries, it isn`t forgotten

?let`s know Imam Hussein and search about what has he done

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 03 December 15 ، 18:12
shia muslim

I`ve had involvement with my self since ten days ago, for writing about Imam Hussein and Ashura

?who is Imam Hussein

 ?How can I speak or write about Imam Hussein

 .the words can`t describe Ashura

?who is Imam Hussein

.Imam Hussein is son of Imam Ali, a great man son of a great man, he is son of Fateme daughter of the prophet Muhammad 

please don`t believe who injure themselves for loving Imam Hussein

Imam Hussein don`t want this. he didn`t arise for this

?why Imam Hussein became martyr

?why a six-month old son of him became martyr

?who is Imam Hussein

Imam Hussein arised against injustice 

.Imam Hussein don`t want , we injure ourselves

.let`s know Imam Hussein and his reasons for rising





۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 25 October 15 ، 08:16
shia muslim